Homebuyer Report Poole

If you are looking to buy a property in Poole and are looking for a competitive price for a homebuyer report we would be pleased to discuss your needs. We can generally inspect with a weeks notice and aim for the client to have the report within 2 working days of the inspection.

The homebuyer report service has been designed to provide a clear concise picture of the property with traffic light ratings. It confirms the condition of the property, offers advice to legal advisers and highlights details of any urgent defects.

It is aimed at conventional properties and newer homes in Poole.

It also includes an independent market valuation and insurance re-build cost valuation.

AK Property Consultants also include the following within the price of the survey, unique to AK property Consultants:

  • Photographs of the main discussion points
  • A talk through of the report in person at a mutually convenient location in Poole
  • Advice regarding negotiations based on the homebuyer report findings
  • Comparables are also presented within the report to show you how the valuation has been calculated

If you would like a sample report sent, to show you the level of detail provided, please contact us and we will email a copy to you.

Following is a fee scale for the homebuyer report service. AK Property Consultants is not VAT registered so there is no VAT to pay on the following prices.

Homebuyer Report Poole Fee Scale

Agreed Value 1000's

Homebuyer Report

Full Building Survey

0-220,000 £625.00 £1,250.00
221-550,000 £695.00 £1,500.00
551-650,000 £750.00 £1,800.00
651-750,000 £850.00 £2,000.00
751+ POA POA

For properties of a higher value we would be pleased to provide a quotation.

AK Property Consultants is not VAT registered so there is no VAT to pay on the above prices.

Homebuyer Report Poole