Commercial Building Surveys

Commercial Building Survey Poole

There many different surveys relating to commercial premises required at different stages of a properties occupation. It is important the correct survey is chosen for its intended use. Following are a few examples of surveys we carry out on a regular basis.

Pre-Acquisition Surveys for Purchases

It is just as important to instruct a pre-acquisition building survey for a commercial property as it is for a residential property. As with residential premises commercial properties can be concealing significant works which should be picked up before purchasing and taken into account in the purchase price.

Pre-Acquisition Surveys for Leasehold Commercial Premises: Schedule of Condition

If you are thinking about signing a lease for a commercial property it is recommended the condition of the building is related to the terms of the lease. All too often tenants sign leases without understanding their repairing obligations. If you do not get appropriate legal advice and combine this with a survey of the building you could end up having to replace complete elements of a building i.e. the roof upon moving in or vacating, which otherwise could have been avoided.

The same applies if you are thinking of purchasing a business with leasehold premises as your name will be put on the existing lease(s) (the leases will be assigned to you) and as a result you will be responsible for any repairing obligations as well as reinstatement of any alterations that may have occurred since the original lease commencement date. In these circumstances a pre-occupation dilapidation assessment would be appropriate (See Dilapidation Assessments Link to the left of this page).

The best way of mitigating these liabilities is by instructing a Chartered Surveyor to prepare a Schedule of Condition, which is a very effective tool to limit the tenant’s repairing obligations and ensuring the tenant is not obliged to return the property in any better condition evidenced at lease commencement.

A schedule of condition can be instructed by either the landlord or the tenant but is usually requested by the tenant

AK Property Consultants prepares detailed and accurate Schedules of Condition either on a purely photographic or photographic and written basis for both landlord and tenants at competitive rates and with quick turnarounds.